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Welcome to Differential Equations! For course info and policies, please see the syllabus. For grades, log into Moodle. If you need help or have questions, please contact Prof. Wright.
Prof. Wright's office hours: Mon. 11–12, Tues. 1:30–2:30, Wed. 10:30–11:30, Thurs. 10–11, Fri. 12:30–1:30 (see Moodle for the Zoom link)
Help sessions: Tuesdays 7–8pm (see Moodle for the Meet link)
August 21
- Read the syllabus, then complete the Syllabus Quiz (on Moodle).
- Watch this video: What are differential equations?
- From the textbook, read §1.1 and §1.2, at least up to the heading "Missing Solutions" on page 27. Complete the reading questions on Moodle before class on Monday.
August 24
- Finish reading §1.2, if you haven't done so already. Review the solutions to the problems from class (see the notes which will be posted after class).
- Read The Secret to Raising Smart Kids by Carol Dweck and §1.3 in the textbook. Then complete the reading questions on Moodle.
- Begin Homework 1 (due 4pm Friday).
- If possible, install Mathematica on your computer. We'll use it in class on Wednesday. See this help page for installation information.
August 26
Bonus video: John Urschel-NFL Math Whiz
- Finish Homework 1 (due 4pm Friday).
- Read §1.4 and complete the reading questions on Moodle.
- If possible, install Mathematica on your computer. We will use it in class on Friday. See this help page for installation information.
- Watch the video Existence and Uniqueness. Also read §1.5, at least through page 67. (There are no reading questions for Monday.)
- Begin Homework 2 (due 4pm Wednesday).
August 31
- Review the problems and solutions from class (see notes posted after class).
- Finish Homework 2 (due 4pm Wednesday).
- Read §1.6 in the textbook and complete the reading questions on Moodle.
- This week: begin work on Lab 1: Euler's Method, due September 9.
Bonus video: Hannah Fry — Beautiful equations: how insects walk on water and galaxies form (the Navier-Stokes equations are differential equations!)
- Review the problems and solutions from class (see notes posted after class).
- Read §1.7 and complete the reading questions on Moodle..
- Begin Homework 3 (due 4pm Monday).
- Work on Lab 1.
September 4
Meet in RML 115 — masks required!
- Review the problems and solutions from class (see notes posted after class).
- Finish Homework 3 (due 4pm Monday).
- Read §1.8 in the text, paying close attention to the Linearity Principle
- Work on Lab 1.
- Please complete the Week 3 Survey. Responses are voluntary and anonymous.
- Watch the video The Integrating Factor Method. Then read §1.9 in the textbook.
- Finish Lab 1 and submit your lab report to the Lab 1 assignment on Moodle.
- Begin Homework 4 (due 4pm Friday).
Bonus video: Yitang Zhang: An Unlikely Math Star Rises
- Please complete the Week 3 Survey, if you haven't done so already. Responses are voluntary and anonymous.
- Re-read the subsection Comparing the Methods of Solution for Linear Equations (p. 131–132).
- Read §2.1 and complete the reading questions on Moodle.
- Finish Homework 4 (due 4pm Friday).
- If possible, bring a computer with Mathematica to class on Friday.
- Read §2.2. Take note of how vector fields can be used to visualize the behavior of solutions to systems of differential equations. (There are no reading questions today.)
- Begin Homework 5 (due Wednesday).
- If possible, bring a computer with Mathematica to class on Monday.
- Read §2.3 and complete the reading questions on Moodle.
- Finish Homework 5 (due Wednesday).
- Review the Exam 1 Information. Talk with Prof. Wright if you have any questions.
September 16
due at 4pm
Bonus video: Moon Duchin: "Political Geometry"
- Complete Homework 6 (due Friday).
- Study for the exam. Talk with Prof. Wright if you have any questions.
- Complete the take-home exam problems.
- Study for the exam. Talk with Prof. Wright if you have any questions.
September 21
- Read §3.1, and complete the reading questions on Moodle.
September 23
Bonus video: How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking - with Jordan Ellenberg
- Read §3.2 and complete the reading questions on Moodle.
- Begin Homework 7 (due Monday).
- Take a look at Lab 2, which is due on October 9.
September 25
- Read §3.3 and complete the reading questions on Moodle.
- Finish Homework 7 (due Monday).
- Read §3.4 and complete the reading questions on Moodle.
- Begin Homework 8 (due Friday).
- If you want to know more about Euler's formula, watch this video by 3Blue1Brown.
September 30
Bonus video: Talitha Washington — Big Ideas in STEM Innovation
- Review the problems and solutions from class (see notes posted after class).
- Read §3.5. Note what types of phase portraits can occur for linear systems with repeated (real) eigenvalue or zero eigenvalues. There are no reading questions today.
- Finish Homework 8 (due Friday).
- Review the problems and solutions from class (see notes posted after class).
- Review §3.3 through §3.5. Note the different types of phase portraits that can occur for linear systems, and how they are determined by the eigenvalues of the matrix of coefficients.
- Begin Homework 9 (due Wednesday).
- Work on Lab 2, due on October 9.
October 5
- Read §3.6 and complete the reading questions on Moodle.
- Finish Homework 9 (due Wednesday).
- Work on Lab 2 (due Friday). If you have questions about the lab, talk with Prof. Wright.
Bonus: Why is Mathematics Useful, and Applied Dynamical Systems Vol. 2 — Robert Ghrist
- Read §3.7 and complete the reading questions on Moodle.
- Finish Lab 2.
- Read §4.1 and complete the reading questions on Moodle. Take special note of the Extended Linearity Principle.
- Begin Homework 10 (due Wednesday).
October 12
- Read §4.2. Focus on the qualitative analysis and phase portraits. We will discuss "complexification" in class. There are no reading questions for Wednesday.
- Finish Homework 10 (due Wednesday).
Bonus video: Dr. Erika Camacho on Horizonte and LATMATH: Erika Camacho - "Modeling Photoreceptor Death and Rescue"
Extra credit opportunity: attend Explore MSCS on Thursday, Oct. 15, 4:00–5:00pm to earn 2 extra-credit points for your homework grade.
- Read §4.3 and complete the reading questions on Moodle.
- Begin Homework 11 (due Monday).
October 16
- Review §4.1–4.3.
- Finish Homework 11 (due Monday).
- Read the Exam 2 Information. Talk with Prof. Wright if you have any questions.
- Complete the take-home exam problems.
- Study for the exam. Talk with Prof. Wright if you have any questions.
October 21
October 23
Bonus video: Francis Su — Mathematics for Human Flourishing
- Read §5.1 and complete the reading questions on Moodle.
- Begin Homework 12 (due Wednesday).
October 26
MSCS Colloquium: Monday, 3:15–4:15pm
- Read §5.2. Notice how analysis of equilibrium points and nullclines can provide a lot of qualitative information about solutions to systems of differential equations, even if you can't write down formulas for the solutions.
- Finish Homework 12 (due Wednesday).
- Read §5.3 and complete the reading questions on Moodle.
- Begin Homework 13 (due Monday).
- Take a look at Lab 3.
October 30
- Review §5.1–5.3.
- Finish Homework 13 (due Monday).
MSCS Colloquium: Monday, 3:30–4:30pm
- Read §7.1 and complete the reading questions on Moodle.
- Begin Homework 14 (due Friday).
- Start work on Lab 3.
November 4
- Read §7.2. There are no reading questions on Moodle for Friday, but as you read, answer the question: How is the improved Euler's method similar to the trapezoid rule from calculus?
- Finish Homework 14 (due Friday).
- Start work on Lab 3.
- Bring a computer with Mathematica to class next time, if possible.
- Read §7.3. Note that the Runge-Kutta is more sophisticated than Improved Euler's method.
- Begin Homework 15 (due Wednesday).
- Start work on Lab 3, if you haven't done so already.
- If possible, bring a computer with Mathematica to class on Monday.
November 9
MSCS Colloquium: "Sharing Secrets" on Monday, November 9, 3:30–4:30pm
- Read Appendix B: Power Series (pages 742–748). Pay special attention to the examples, observing how power series can be used to find solutions to differential equations.
- Finish Homework 15 (due Wednesday).
- Work on Lab 3.
- Re-read Appendix B: Power Series (pages 742–748).
- Finish Lab 3.
- Begin Homework 16 (due Monday).
- Finish Homework 16 (due Monday).
- Review the final exam information (below).
Bonus: Living Proof: Stories of Resilience Along the Mathematical Journey
November 19
9:00 – 11:00am