This assignment is Homework 7, and is due at classtime on Wednesday, March 1.


From Section 8.13 of Interactive Python, do Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

You may either compose and test your solutions in the ActiveCode boxes on the Interactive Python site or using Idle on your computer (or on a lab computer).

When you have finished your solutions, copy and paste your code for all of your solutions into a single Python file (or text document). Use comments (lines that begin with a # symbol) to clearly state the problem number for each solution in your file. Please save your file and upload it to the HW7 assignment on Moodle.


Exercise 1 referrs to Newton's sqrt function, but it may be unclear what this is. The problem is referring to the square root function in Section 8.6 Newton's Method, specifically the version of the function that uses a while loop.