This assignment is Homework 22, and its deadline has been extended until classtime on Wednesday, April 26.

This assignment involves using WebMapReduce to do parallel computing. Documentation for WebMapReduce is available here.


  1. Do Poker Hands activities 1 and 2. (In #2, the "challenge" is optional.) You may test your mapper and reducer on this test data. You can choose to run WebMapReduce on a much larger data file, by entering /shared/pokerHandData in the Cluster Path box.
  2. Do Car Information activities 1 and 2. You may test your mapper and reducer on this test data. You can choose to run WebMapReduce on a much larger data file, by entering /shared/carData in the Cluster Path box.

Submitting your work

After you have finished your solutions, paste all of your mapper and reducer functions into a single Python file. Use comments to clearly state the problem numbers corresponding to your code. Save your file and upload it to the HW22 assignment on Moodle.